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Teachers of the Department of "Methods of Primary Education" of the Faculty of Pedagogy

Annual on the implementation of research work in the 2020-2021 academic year



In SCOPUS magazine

1. “Application of problem-based teaching methods in the development of mathematical thinking skills of students” // psychology and education (2021) 58 (1): 43-49 (Skobus journal) E.M. Khudoynazarov, J.R. Yarmetov

2.. The role of the lexema of the moon and its synonymous line in the formation of literal text in the poetry of Matnazar Abdulhakim. Solid State Technology International Scopus Electronic Journal 2020. 6/63. Pages 189-196. Matnazarov Javlon

2 articles in SCOPUS magazine





1. Methods of teaching mathematics. - T: Nodirabegim, 2020. - 199 p. (Textbook) Khudoynazarov E.M.

2. The role of khalfas in Uzbek folklore. Monograph. Tashkent / 2021. Ollaberganova S.X.

3. Extracurricular activities in mathematics in primary school. (Textbook) Tashkent. 2021. Xudaynazarov E.M. J.R. Yarmetov


1. A set of exercises in the native language.- Tashkent: Bayoz, 2021, 3 p. Jumaniyazoa Muhabbat (co-authored with A. Atajonova)


In international journals


1.Razvitie rechi detey putem obucheniya pereskazu v doshkolnom obrazovanii // Uchenyy XXI veka (mezhdunarodnyy nauchnyy zhurnal) .- № 12-1 (71), December 2020 g., tstr.64-67. Jumaniyazoa Muhabbat (co-authored with R. Nuraddinova)

2. Methodological aspects of working on the text of a work of art in primary school lessons // «Polish science journal» issue 3 (36) part 2.- Warsaw, 2021, pp. 23-26. Jumaniyazoa Muhabbat (co-authored with G. Sharipova)

3. The use of educational games in primary school mother tongue classes // Polish Science Journal issue 2 (35) part 2.- Warsaw, 2021, pp. 243-247. Jumaniyazoa Muhabbat (co-authored with E.Kurbanova)

4. The use of independent work in the development of students' thinking in primary school mother tongue education // «Polish science journal» issue 2 (35) part 2.- warsaw, 2021, pp. 173-178. Jumaniyazoa Muhabbat (co-authored with M. Zakirova)

5. The role of lessons as the main form of teaching in preschool education.// POLISH SCIENCE JOURNAL: International Scientific Journal. (ISSUE 11 (32) Part 2 - WARSAW, POLAND., 2020., pp. 122 -125. Atajanova Anorgul


6. The use of didactic materials in primary education as a factor in increasing the effectiveness of teaching.// Modern scientific challenges and trends. Collection of scientific works of the international scientific conference. (ISSUE 11 (33) Part 2 - WARSAW, POLAND., 2020., pp. 176-179. Atajanova Anorgul


7. Enhancing students' speech by teaching the articles in the Primary Reading Book. // POLISH SCIENCE JOURNAL: International Scientific Journal. (ISSUE 2 (35) Part 2 - WARSAW, POLAND., 2021., 234 -237-p. Atajanova Anorgul


8. Methodological conditions for working on a work of art in the formation of students' literary concepts in primary school.// // POLISH SCIENCE JOURNAL: International Scientific Journal. (ISSUE 3 (36) Part 2 - WARSAW, POLAND., 2021., pp. 27-31. Atajanova Anorgul



9.Increasing the effectiveness of lessons through the use of didactic materials in primary education.// POLISH SCIENCE JOURNAL: International Scientific Journal. (ISSUE 5 (38). WARSAW, POLAND., 2021., pp. 77 -79. Atajanova Anorgul10. Ways to analyze student essays in native language classes. У ч е н ы й XXI

 в е к а международный научный журнал № 12-1(71), декабрь 2020 г. Tilavova Munavara


11.Orgography is a guarantee of our literacy.Polish science journal.Issve 5 (38) Warsav 2021.100-105 pages. Tilavova Munavara


12. Concerning the study of hemeronyms in the Uzbek language.- academicia a n i n t e r n a t i o n a l m u l t i d i s c i p l i n a r y r e s e a r c h j o u r n a l (doubl e bl ind ref ereed & revi ewed internat ional journal) india, 2020 June, 707-10


13. Spelling is the basis of our literacy. - polish science journal issue 5 (38) warsaw, poland wydawnictwo naukowe "iscience" 2021, 100-105 b Sapayeva Boljon


14. WAYS TO ANALYZE STUDENT ESSAYS IN NATIVE LANGUAGE CLASSES.- U ch e n y y XXI century international scientific journal № 12-1 (71), December 2020, 53-58 b Sapayeva Boljon


15. HEMERONYMS AS UNITS OF ONOMASTIC SYSTEM - Journal of innovations in scientific and educational research Volume-1 Issue-1, 2021 pp. 45-48. Sapayeva Boljon


16. An article entitled “Puzzles as a factor in the formation of elementary mathematical concepts in preschool education” was published in the Indonesian scientific journal International Journal on Integrated Education (IJIE). Rahimova Fazilat.


17. The scientific article "Didactic games as an important factor in teaching problem-solving" was published in the scientific journal Uchyony XXI veka. Rahimova Fazilat.


18. Scientific article "Non-standard tasks as a means of forming mathematical literacy of primary school students" was published in the International journal of scientific innovations in scientific and educational research Rahimova Fazilat.


19. Features of the formation and development of modern children's literature. “Modern scientific challenges and trends”. Collection of scientific works of the international scientific conference. (21.11. 2020). Issue 11. Part 32.Warsaw, Poland. 2020. Pages 146-49 Rusimatova Gulzoda

20. Abdulla Avloni and children's literature. Third XXI century. International Scientific Journal №12 6 (71), December 2020 Str. 80-83. Rusimatova Gulzoda


21. Modern Uzbek children's poetry as a whole aesthetic phenomenon. // POLISH SCIENCE JOURNAL: International Scientific Journal № 6 (39) - WARSAW, POLAND., 22.08. 2021. Rusimatova Gulzoda


22. Improving the methodological training of primary school trachers on the bases of innovative approaches- European journal of research and reflection in Educztional sciences Bobojanov Mahkam.


23. Pedagogical bases for improving the training of primary school teachers. - "Education and science in the XXI century." Nauchno-obrazovatelnyy electronic magazine. Issue №14 tom 4. Bobojanov Mahkam.

27. The role of written work in the formation of pupils' spelling and related speech in primary school. The role of writing in the formation of students' spelling and connected speech in primary school. In February 2021, the European Journal of Research Development and Sustainability (EJRDS) published an article in an international journal. Pages 62-63 Atayeva Malokhat


28. Scientific article on "Methods of using problem-based learning technology in the teaching of mother tongue." 2021, Worsaw.Poland.B.113-116 Xajiyeva Dilfuza

29. Characteristics of foreign language competition in the structure professional competition of the future teacher of vocational education. (Named scientific article) Electronic journal of actual problems of modern science, education and training.January, 2021-I. ISSN 2181-9750. Xajiyeva Dilfuza


30. "The role of the foundations of critical thinking in the education system of Uzbekistan" FB Abdikarimova. S.R. Raximov. Journal of Uzbekistan. Impact factor: 5.423 “Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences oriens)” scientific journal ISSN 2181-1784, Abdukarimova Fatima


31. Polish science journal (ISSUE 5 (38), 2021) On the topic of the guarantee of our spelling and literacy. Pages 100-105 Warsaw, Poland 2021 Madrahimova Dinara


32. Vocabulary of some terms and food names in the Uzbek language related to rice cultivation. Polish science journal. International science journal. Issue 1 (22). 2020. 125-128-b. Pirmatova Ozoda


33. Some agricultural terms used in Khorezm dialect. MODERN SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH JOURNAL. ISSUE 12 JANUARY. London 2020, 78-81 b Pirmatova Ozoda



        RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT (IJRD) Monthly, Peer Reviewed (Refereed) &

       Indexed International Journal Volume-5 Issue-3 March 2020 Pirmatova Ozoda


35. Considerations on the etymology of the ark lexeme. Innovation in the development of science and education. Mejdunarodnaya nauchno-prakticheskaya krnferentsiya. Sbornik nauchnyx publikatsiy. July`. Kazakhstan. 2020. Pirmatova Ozoda


36. Lexico-grammatical features of some risovodcheskix terms in the Oguz dialect of Uzbekistan. X International Conference on Turkology "Actual problems of Turkology: Russia and the Turkic-Muslim world." December. Moscow. 2020 Pirmatova Ozoda


37. Names of some pests found on rice stalks. Polish science journal. International science journal. Issue 4 (37) Part 3. Pirmatova Ozoda38. Актуальные проблемы тюркологии: Россия и тюрко-мусульманский мир. Материалы X Международной тюркологической конференциию 25 декабря 2020 года. Pirmatova Ozoda


39. Polish science journal (ISSUE 5 (38), 2021). Pages 100-105 Warsaw,

        Teaching creative thinking in mathematics lessons. Poland 2021 Rakhimova


       40. Composed in the poetry of Matnazar Abdulhakim

       the place of occasional words in the integrity of the literary text. “Literary criticism

       Materials of the international conference "Current issues" (Republic of Uzbekistan

      on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the scientist, academician Bakhtiyor Nazarov

     materials of the international conference). Tashkent 2020 September 16-19

      Pages 469-473. Matnazarov Javlon (materials of the international conference)


41. Aspects of the use of educational games in the study of word groups in primary school mother tongue lessons (on the example of verb phrases) // «Polish science journal» issue part 2.- Warsaw, 2021, Kochkarova Shakarjon


42. Polish science journal (ISSUE 5 (38), 2021) On the subject of project-research activity in primary school as a factor in increasing the level of academic motivation. Pages 100-105 Warsaw, Poland 2021 Dusmetova Maksuda

43. The international scientific journal Ucheniy XXI veka published an article entitled "Some non-standard approaches to multiplication on onehad and polynomials in mathematics lessons" (pages 50-52) Khudaiberganov Gayrat


44. Polish science journal (ISSUE 4 (37), 2021) Methods of forming a team of primary school students pages 100-105 Warsaw, Poland 2021 Kutlimuratova Nargiza



-44 scientific articles in international journals



At international conferences:

1. Formation of reading skills in students in primary education // Materials of the International Scientific and Practical conferences on the topic of Women's Achievements in Science, Education, Culture and Innovative Technologies. –Jizzakh, 2021, 295-297-p. Jumaniyazoa Love

2. Incorporation of human qualities in storytelling lessons in primary education // Proceedings of the international scientific-practical conference "Modern trends and development factors in the application of digital technologies in primary education." - Bukhara, 2021, 512-514 -pages. Jumaniyazoa Love

In the journal OAK


1. The role of extracurricular reading in the formation of a culture of reading in primary school students. Integration of science, education and practice Iss: 2181-1776, 2021 Sapayeva Boljon


2. Ways to study seasons related poems in 2nd grade. - Current issues of Uzbek language methodology Tashkent: 2021,396-400b Sapayeva Boljon


3. In the special issue of the Journal of Continuing Education in 2021 was published an article on "Opportunities to ensure the individuality of primary school students in the process of formation of basic competencies" Davletov Erkaboy.


1. Scientific article "Opportunities to develop students' logical thinking skills in primary mathematics education" was published in the scientific journal "Child and Time". Rahimova Fazilat

5. An article on "Possibilities of fairy tales in the development of children's mathematical imagination" was published in the scientific journal "Child and Time" 2/2021. (Pages 63-66) Rahimova Shoira


     6. Scientific article on "The relevance of the use of competencies in the teaching of mother tongue in primary school." Bulletin of Khorezm Mamun Academy. Khiva 2021-2. Xajiyeva Dilfuza


    7. Ustranimie a-subgarmonik funktsii ”SCIENTIFIC SOURCES Pages 3-8 No. 2020 Bekchanov Sardor


8. "Teaching the basics of critical thinking as a new science in Uzbekistan." F.B. Abdikarimova. Studencheskiy Vestnik Scientific Journal. № 22 (167) Moscow. Abdukarimova Fotima


 9. "Project education in mathematics in primary school". - "Scientific-methodical journal of scientific sources" Khalillayeva Gozaloy


10. Concerning lexical-semantic groups specific to the terms of wild plants. Current issues of philological research. (Collection of scientific articles) I book. Navoi 2020 Pirmatova Ozoda


11. The use of interactive methods in teaching the poems of Anwar Abidjan. Bulletin of Khorezm Mamun Academy. Khiva-2021. Pirmatova Ozoda


12. Etymology of some terms related to rice. Bulletin of Khorezm Mamun Academy. Khiva-2021. Pirmatova Ozoda


13. The article “Carleman’s Formula for Matrix Fields” was published in the 1st issue of the journal “Sources of Science” in 2021 (pp. 3-8). Quryozov Dostonbek


14. Matnazar Abdulhakim's poetry as an artistic means of pleonasm. Scientific journal "Newsletter of Khorezm Mamun Academy". 2020 3/2 (59) pp. 84-87. Matnazarov Javlon


15. Afaristic "pearls" in the poetry of Matnazar Abdulhakim. Collection of Philological Studies. Muharrir Publishing House Tashkent 2020. Pages 77-81. Matnazarov Javlon


16. Linguopoetics of occasionalisms formed in Matnazar Abdulhakim's poetry by means of formative affixes Magazine "Tamaddun nuri" Tashkent 2020/5. Matnazarov JavlonOAK tasarrufidagi jurnalda-16 ta maqola




18. The use of innovative activities in the educational process as one of the most pressing issues of today - the material of the Republican scientific-practical conference on "Actual issues of innovative competence approach to primary education." Bobojanov Mahkam


19. Introduction of the concept of equations in the lessons of primary school mathematics and methods of teaching it - the material of the Republican scientific-practical conference "Current issues of innovative competency-based approach to primary education." Bobojanov Mahkam


20. Urgench State University on "Integrated lessons in mathematics and natural education as a factor of activating students", in the materials of the Republican scientific-practical conference "Current issues of innovative and competent approach to primary education" in 2020 was published in October. Rahimova Fazilat

25. The Republican scientific-practical conference "Application of mathematics to economic and technical issues and problems of teaching" (Andijan-2021) published an article on "The use of mathematical fairy tales in the development of mathematical skills of students in primary school mathematics." (Pages 247-252.) Rahimova Shoira


26. Relation of weight of Khorezmian epics to children's songs. Proceedings of the conference on scientific and practical research in Uzbekistan. №18. - Tashkent, 2020. –B. 169-170. Raimova Nilufar


27. The busy structure of the poetry of Khorezm epics. Current issues of innovative cooperation in improving the quality of education. International scientific online conference. - Navoi, 2020 –B. 30-32. Raimova Nilufar


28. Alisher Navoi and folklore. Proceedings of the Navoi regional scientific-practical conference "The role and significance of the works of Alisher Navoi in the formation of new thinking", dedicated to the 580th anniversary of Alisher Navoi. Navoi-2021. –B. 152-155. Raimova Nilufar


29. “THE IMPORTANCE OF THE ROLE OF TEACHERS IN EDUCATION, FUNDAMENTALS IN TECHNOLOGY”. (article on the topic) Ways to use modern teaching systems and technologies in the training of highly qualified personnel in the current situation. Collection of articles of the Republican scientific-practical conference. 5.01.2021. Xajiyeva Dilfuza


30. At the Republican scientific-practical conference "Current issues of innovative and competent approach to primary education." I-book. Pages 283-285 on the use of didactic assignments in primary school. Urgench 2020 Madraximova Dinora


31. At the Republican scientific-practical conference "Current issues of innovative and competent approach to primary education." Book II. Pages 151-1853 on what to look for when educating a hyperactive child. Urgench 2020 Madraximova Dinora


32. Some lingvoculturological features of rice dishes. Intercultural communication throuch the prism of tourism in Uzbekistan: Experience, current issues and perspectives intercultural communication in the context of tourism in Uzbekistan: experience, current issues and prospects. Samarkand, June 29-30, 2020 Pirmatova Ozoda



OTM journal

1. Enrichment of students' speech in primary education on the basis of the textbook "Reading book" // Tafakkur ziyosi. Volume 56.- Urgench, 2020, pages 64-66 Jumaniyazova Mukhabbat (co-authored with M.Bakhtiyorova)

2. Formation of universal values ​​in students in reading lessons // Tafakkur ziyosi. Volume 57.- Urgench: “Khorezm Yoshlari” Publishing House, 2021, pages 73-76 Jumaniyazova Mukhabbat (co-authored with H.Ollaberganova)

3. Goals and objectives of primary school lessons // Tafakkur ziyosi. Volume 57.- Urgench: Khorezm Yoshlari Publishing House, 2021, pages 80-82. Jumaniyazova Mukhabbat (co-authored with Sh. Madaminova)

4. Independent work and their use in primary school mother tongue education // Tafakkur ziyosi. Volume 58.- Urgench: “Khorezm Yoshlari” Publishing House, 2021, pages 62-64 Jumaniyazova Mukhabbat (co-authored with E.Kurbanova)

5. M The use of educational games in the study of the subject of horses in primary school. Intellectual thinking. Collection. Volume 58. "Khorezm Youth" Publishing House. 2021. Pages 67-70. Tilavova Munavara

6. Tilavova M.Allayorova S. Organization of mother tongue education through integrated lessons. 2021 pp. 34-36. Tilavova Munavara

7. The use of rebuses in the lessons of the native language of primary school (Tafakkur ziyosi. Scientific-methodical collection 56 vols. Urgench 2020, p. 69).

8. Ecological education and upbringing - a topical issue (Philological research. Tashkent 2020, pp. 170-173). Tilavova Munavara

9. The study of the works of fraternal peoples in primary school (Philological research. Tashkent 2020, pp. 173-177). Tilavova Munavara

10. Ways of organizing and conducting tests in the native language in the 3rd grade (Philological research. Tashkent 2020, pages 152-156) Tilavova Munavara

11. Use of hydronymic indicators of rice. Tafakkur ziyosi. Urgench -2020 Pirmatova Ozoda

12. Some irrigation terms. Proceedings of the conference "Development of science in the interests of the people." Urgench 2020 Pirmatova Ozoda


-12 articles were published in university journals



  During the school year

-2 articles in SCOPUS magazine


Textbooks -2


-44 scientific articles in international journals



-2 at international conferences



- 16 articles in the journal owned by the HAC



-35 articles in the conference proceedings



-12 articles were published in OTM magazines